The Current Mobile App Trend In Medical,Health and Fitness from Sofia Coppol
With the mobile health application market projected to reach $26 billion by 2017, there is a need to provide more than 3.4 billion smartphone and tablet users with access to mHealth applications; with an estimated fifty percent of these users downloading healthcare mobile applications. According to mHIMSS, mHealth’s rapid evolution is due to the recent advances in broadband availability, mobile device innovation, and availability of applications for mobile devices. The highly-regulated healthcare industry and its policies has caused a lag in advances in technology for the industry. As supply meets up with demand, mobile applications can be used to satisfy several needs in healthcare:
Let's see how mhealth is driving the Future of healthcare Industry? -
With the mobile health application market projected to reach $26 billion by 2017, there is a need to provide more than 3.4 billion smartphone and tablet users with access to mHealth applications; with an estimated fifty percent of these users downloading healthcare mobile applications. According to mHIMSS, mHealth’s rapid evolution is due to the recent advances in broadband availability, mobile device innovation, and availability of applications for mobile devices. The highly-regulated healthcare industry and its policies has caused a lag in advances in technology for the industry. As supply meets up with demand, mobile applications can be used to satisfy several needs in healthcare:
- Education and awareness
- Helpline
- Diagnostic and treatment support
- Communication and training for health workers
- Disease and epidemic outbreak tracking
- Remote monitoring
- Remote data collection
Let's see how mhealth is driving the Future of healthcare Industry? -
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